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Ashton Curry-Hyde


Hello, I’m Ashton and I am a postdoc in Zaccara lab @ CUIMC.

I have a BSc in Biochemistry, an MSc (Research) in Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics and I have just submitted my PhD thesis and am awaiting its conferral.

My love of RNA was fostered in my postgrad studies where I predominantly trained as a bioinformatician investigating biological networks in human health and disease. I have a keen interest in long-read sequencing and have experience in end-to-end experimental approaches using ONT sequencing, including the transcriptome-wide profiling of the human epitranscriptome direct RNA-seq.

During my PhD, I also investigated circular RNA, microRNA, RNA binding protein, and mRNA interaction networks using NGS data, and during the second year of my PhD I completed an industry-based internship where I evaluated RNA variants in ALS with NYGC sequencing data. I subsequently worked as a bioinformatician at this company during my final year as a PhD candidate.

In my post-doc I aim to investigate the m6A-dependent regulation of mRNA decay.

Ashton Curry-Hyde

3960 Broadway, Floor 2, Room 203C, New York, NY 10032


artwork by Marzia Munafo (

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